Friday, May 29, 2009

Viva la Barca!

Winner of 2009 UEFA Champion League - BARCELONA. Really feels good to get my betting bucks back from my lil' bro ( he lost $50) to me :)
I know he's a bit frustrated cos I forked out his allowence for 1 month. 3 cheers for back revenge kiddo :p I also lost my bet $10 a few weeks ago when Man Utd won over Arsenal. (also to my lil bro)
Eventho' Man. Utd lost. they still got their Glory Glory, they still deserve the best.
Now, its time for Barca to shine :D
Been Busy as a bee this week cos a lot of things to do before pack up for Gawai, and tomorrow will be long journey balik kampung. Its been awhile la since my last balik kampung last year...
Ok la time to wrap up early, cos I need to packing up stuff. I always packed up last minute. My bad habit x abis2 dari dulu2....
Took this oppurtunity to wish all my friends, family members, cuzens & those who know me ...
Selamat Ngintu Gawai Dayak & Kotobian Tadau Tagazo Kaamatan 2009 :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Return the favor

Picture for this month:

Love both of these pictures, taken by my buddies hehehe..pinjam skejap :)
Didnt take any pics recently, since my cam not worked well. Need to rest it up la & hopefully can recover back before GAWAI. Look like I need new cam, tapi no budget la...hmmm....
This evening I went for some outings with mum & sis, while waiting for them, I squeezed out to the nearby photo shop (my fav photoshop) cos the tauke is very friendly. Actually, I like to watch him managed the shop & watched 'em doing their thang there. While at the shop I always looked over the pictures, some of it are very old black & white pictures hanged all over the walls. Staring at those pictures are quiet amazed me sometimes, eventho' I stared at those pics time & time, but I never get bored of it & still LOLz at some of funny pics. Especially at 'Lost & Found' corner, alot of pictures hanged there & none claimed it back, so, they put it as a display & even some of my old highschool frens had their pictures at this corner very LoL :D
Still save sum up for new cam & look like the price is Ok la rite now not too expensive :p
Nevermind I put it in my "wish bucket" la for this year :)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

American Has voted for...

"America has been vote... The winner of American Idol is......... Kris Allen!'' shocking announcement by Ryan Seacrest live finale telecast of American Idol. It was a SHOCKING result cos alot or prediction Adam Lambert will be the winner of this season 8. terbalik suda result & the judges, seems not really satisfied but when America vote, deal with it....

Altho there is no favoritism among the contestants, I still kasian tgk Adam, but no worries, tetap juga nyanyi nanti tu. The results of most reality tv this year is quiet shocking too.... hey, who can forget Tomok as a winner of ONE IN THE MILLION, there is qlot of talented contestants, but last last, Tomok juga menang. Same too with Akademi Fantasia 7, took Hafiz as their winner. Lucky for him as he took Honda Accord to Sarawak this time... Ok la tu...

Now, what's next after American Idol wrapped up for this season. Malaysian Idol? Anak Wayang? Mentor? or Jangan Lupa Lirik (my fav hehehe). My sympatic for Slumdog Miliionaire's children actors, Rubina Ali & Azharuddin Mohammed, 2 famous actors whose home was demolished & had nowhere to stay recently. Previously, Rubina had almost kena jual by her own father. She had alot on her hand & she deserved a good life. may her future will as bright as her star now. Who knows...God's will...

Oh ya, about my short trip to KL recently, I didnt managed to squezze a time meeting ol friends there. Time was so jeles cos I got only 4 days & my Hp 's camera got prob :(

No worries, will meet again in other time for a jughead of BEER hehehe....
(jan marah nett :p)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

HaPpY Mother's Day :)

I wanna wish HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY 2 ALL MUMS OUT THERE, especially to my mum & granny - Love ya !

Take this time to wish your mum that she meant the world to you..

Give them a hug, if you live with them..

cos you dont know what tomorrow will be...

back in the high school era, me & my sister always never missed to belt out Spice Girls' song 'Mama' everytime we hit the karaoke weekend. Us both are big fans of Spice Girls back in the days. Hey, who doesnt love them rite? Gila btul sama durg sampai cover meja d kelas pun Poster SG yg di fotostat..hehehehee...and that table I would took along whenever I changed my sitting position in class. owh..what a memory...

Anyho''s your weekend. & so... nuthing best la happen,except I was surrounded by quiet alot of babies while in church this morning. Then I remembered the C-section pic by Moses...huh bikin INSAF sekejap gbr tu. It send chilled in my spine. Later this evening, mostly channel showed a number of programs involved babies, pa ni smua mo tyg psl baby2???? My curiously curious mode is ON...hmmmm...Its not that I dont like babies, I love them too,u know..Dont want to think about it tho'. Let it be la...

Looking forward for this new week...cos only 3 more weeks left too GAWAI.. Am I looking fwd to it? No..not really, dunno WHY, maybe cos there's lotta things happened past few months ago. Dont wanna talked much about it.

Before its late, wanna wish Cinco De Mayo to Dias! Dont forget your Pinata again yoiiee :)

With my mum @ vaca' recently...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hot Hot heat

Everytime I read this blog 'Diary Of A Shophaholic' I am soooooo jeles with everything there...aiyaaaa..I only can wish for a shops/boutiques/bazaar just like that. got everything under the sun yeah. Then I dont have to go here & there to get some stuff. I dont get it why some shop still sell the exactly the same stuff with either same or higher price, eventho' the stuff is just some cheap skate stuff you can get from random store.
Huh..tired la by this summerrrrr...

Friday, May 1, 2009

C0ndolences & Labour Day

HaPPy Labour Day everyone :)
Condolence to Sarawak Chief Minister on demised of his beloved wife on 29th April ago. She lost on battle to liver cancer (if Im not mistaken la). This week, been up to some interviews- at local daily newspaper & at private hospital that will be open for business by September or October. I admit that I was clueless when the their editor called me & asked me to write an article before come for interview the next day. Absolutely no IDEA, run out of bankable IDEA. Asked my friends alot and I ended wrote anything that crossed my mind. Luckily the editor wanted me to write it in Bahasa Malaysia fuhhhhh selamatttttt. Unlucky for me, cos its been such a long long time I didnt write in BM, so a bit tunggang langgang la karangan bertulis tu. I have to double checked everything-spellings, the structure of sentences & so on. Rujuk kamus pun, only helped a little cos that dictionary dah lebih 15 years. My bad cos we'd never keep on updated our dictionaries. Then, I managed to finish my article after few hours of struggle hehehe. Ok with that, so the next day went for the interview. Thought that interview would be like other interview, tup tup, sampai saja trus kena suruh tulis berita- One in BM & one in English. whattttttttttttttttttttttt!!!! No idea! No idea lansung!! Dah la datang lambat..idea kering panasss lg cuaca ni..Luckily, their office was surrounded by newspaper, so managed to peep for an ideas. hehehe......wah, best juga durg ni jd wartawan ada masa ilek2, cuma lepas function sja cbuk tulis best juga mcm tu.. last last the interview was wrapped up after 1 hour, after that editor satisfied with the article, the news that I wrote...fuhhhh legeeeee, then there will be 2nd round of the interview If the chief editor satisfied with it. I dont want to expect la, nanti sama juga mcm yg lain, tunggu punya tunggu...keep on waiting until bored.
hmmm..that's all 4 2day...Happy Bday to Chia Chia, cos her bday is today :)