Friday, May 1, 2009

C0ndolences & Labour Day

HaPPy Labour Day everyone :)
Condolence to Sarawak Chief Minister on demised of his beloved wife on 29th April ago. She lost on battle to liver cancer (if Im not mistaken la). This week, been up to some interviews- at local daily newspaper & at private hospital that will be open for business by September or October. I admit that I was clueless when the their editor called me & asked me to write an article before come for interview the next day. Absolutely no IDEA, run out of bankable IDEA. Asked my friends alot and I ended wrote anything that crossed my mind. Luckily the editor wanted me to write it in Bahasa Malaysia fuhhhhh selamatttttt. Unlucky for me, cos its been such a long long time I didnt write in BM, so a bit tunggang langgang la karangan bertulis tu. I have to double checked everything-spellings, the structure of sentences & so on. Rujuk kamus pun, only helped a little cos that dictionary dah lebih 15 years. My bad cos we'd never keep on updated our dictionaries. Then, I managed to finish my article after few hours of struggle hehehe. Ok with that, so the next day went for the interview. Thought that interview would be like other interview, tup tup, sampai saja trus kena suruh tulis berita- One in BM & one in English. whattttttttttttttttttttttt!!!! No idea! No idea lansung!! Dah la datang lambat..idea kering panasss lg cuaca ni..Luckily, their office was surrounded by newspaper, so managed to peep for an ideas. hehehe......wah, best juga durg ni jd wartawan ada masa ilek2, cuma lepas function sja cbuk tulis best juga mcm tu.. last last the interview was wrapped up after 1 hour, after that editor satisfied with the article, the news that I wrote...fuhhhh legeeeee, then there will be 2nd round of the interview If the chief editor satisfied with it. I dont want to expect la, nanti sama juga mcm yg lain, tunggu punya tunggu...keep on waiting until bored.
hmmm..that's all 4 2day...Happy Bday to Chia Chia, cos her bday is today :)

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