Winner of 2009 UEFA Champion League - BARCELONA. Really feels good to get my betting bucks back from my lil' bro ( he lost $50) to me :)
I know he's a bit frustrated cos I forked out his allowence for 1 month. 3 cheers for back revenge kiddo :p I also lost my bet $10 a few weeks ago when Man Utd won over Arsenal. (also to my lil bro)
Eventho' Man. Utd lost. they still got their Glory Glory, they still deserve the best.
Now, its time for Barca to shine :D
Been Busy as a bee this week cos a lot of things to do before pack up for Gawai, and tomorrow will be long journey balik kampung. Its been awhile la since my last balik kampung last year...
Ok la time to wrap up early, cos I need to packing up stuff. I always packed up last minute. My bad habit x abis2 dari dulu2....
Took this oppurtunity to wish all my friends, family members, cuzens & those who know me ...
Selamat Ngintu Gawai Dayak & Kotobian Tadau Tagazo Kaamatan 2009 :)