Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday Extravaganza

Saturday...saturday nothing much to do as my trip to KK to attend Niza's wedding got cancelled last minute. Dont wanna to talk much about it :( since all my besties are there today, I only stayed here n wishin' I was there. Really killed my mood since the day I cancelled the ticket & to make it worst I cant changed anything cos I bought the promo ticket, doubled up my tension.
Maybe bukan rezeki to go there maybe some other time, tried to be positive as I could but ended up outraged. So I watched the rerun of EXTRAVAGANZA parodies on Youtube, slowly I regained my positivity back. that parodies never failed to make me LOL hehehehe. Watching Ameng, Tora and the whole gang doing their hilarious acts. I remembered when me n Mita have nothing to do, we watched Extavaganza rerun for the one whole day and we LOLZ until tears coming out. owh what a memories of old days. Now she counting the days as a mum-to-be.
Since tomorrow is Sunday, what is your plan for tomorrow?? Mine.. hmm what should I do tomorrow ya? Dont wanna plan any yet nanti x menjadi...

Monday, March 23, 2009

RetrO M00D is *ON*

Its been awhile since my last blogging entry. Alot of things to do before I go for HOLIDAY.....yipeeeeeee...maka berkumandang la lagu madonna Holliday di kepala otaku ni hehehehhe... Im looking forward to this weekend to meet alll my gurlies there eventho' two of my frens cant make it due to working commitment. cian Ina & GG :(
Last week was an hectic week & also the worst week. Dont want to talk much cos it would spoil my very sacred week hehehehe...Everything is ready packed & I got a gift for Niza. Its not that grand stuff cos you know le bandar kecik hardly to find a gift here.
Lately, it was very HOT here in Btu..its getting hot in herreeeee (mcm lagu Nelly hehe), aiyaaa panas salah ujan lagi la salah. Look like the sales of bikini & speedos will be rising here hehehe cos I saw a lot of people picnic & jetskiing yesterday & not forgetting kayaking. Maybe I should go for kayaking since my sister said that Kayaking is intersting...hmmm..what do you think?? I never been go Kayaking before la..macam best la pulak :p So everyday is bright, sunny and the sky is blue as the sea. Luckily for me my house is just nearby the sea:)
And its convenient for us to stroll by the sea in the evening cos our puppy need her daily outings routine, also me and my sister joined our pup to jog together hehehe...As a reward...jeng jeng jeng our bodies ached here and there especially my left ankle. I think I twisted it while jogging few days ago and its hurt like hell:(
Last week I watched American Idol with daddy & my sister (my dad is big fan of AI & my sister LOLZ buddy with me) hehehe... And also Akademi Fantasia 7 I watched it with my mum(she's a fan of AF). AI not bad la this season, but cannot challenged the last year season cos David Cook is smokin' aces hot hehehe...I just watched AF cos nak 'jaga hati' my mum but this season AF also not bad la, except their dressing is very 'malfunctional'. Maybe the dresser is fashion blind or color blind. A lot of wrong combination( ketara kelam kabut)
There's alot of ep that I missed since the last AI ep that I watched is during the audition. Aiyaa I was so left out of it but its ok la can watch the rerun on Saturday ma...
Past few weeks I heard alot of people talked about holidaying in Bali. I think I need to detour my dream holiday la after this. Maybe New York city (where I can meet Dias there-missed u alot gal!!) or Toronto to meet Pearl & mr Bern to hang out or skiing perhaps hehe.. huh...I can oly dream about holidaying there. One of the staff is going to Bali for holiday in 2 weeks time....we're so envied lucky girl Kiekie..ahaa bring us alot of souvenir ya (if you read this le). Another lucky friend, Ambros will be in KL to watch & do the news coverage at Grand Prix in Sepang next week and its one-whole week paid vacation cortesy of Petronas. No worries la cos like back-to-back we've got a priviledge to get alot of souvenirs :D Im not envied him over the fact that he have chance to watch the GP cos m not a big fan of GP but Jamiroqui perform? haiyaaa sangat la jeles ni:(
That is the perk of working as a Journalist in major news publishing. huh..means that he will get a chance to watch JAMIROQUAI perform as well haiyaaaaaaaaaaaaa Double jeles ni... I only can wish to watch JayKay perform but other pula yang pigi huh:(
Its late oledi la...need to wake up early nanti c ya & Good Morning Heartache :)
p/s: Im into this Retro thingy * Retro mood is back again yippiiee :D

Sunday, March 8, 2009

F00Dies everywhere :)

Finally, I got chance to upload my foodies pictures here. This is only some of it cos most of the pictures I already burned in the CDs. So..hopefully bulih buat kamurang lapar hehehe :D

At hawker's...
At mum's fav spot :)
White lettuce n nuts cake

Fav hangout place in town :)

Forgot la whats' the name of this food...

Fried kuetiaw with Frief Egg

Carrot Cake

Curry Ramen ( I missed this place alot :(


One day my pictures will kena tayang cni :)

Pass the picture ( my fav place somewhere in KL:)

Friday, March 6, 2009

At Last....

Finally. I've got my flight ticket to K.K :D & that means by the end of this month I'll be in K.K to attend my friend's wedding reception. Sadly, I cant witness her 'akad nikah' which is her request asking us to come earlier to be with her during the ceremony which is fall on Friday, 27th. Lucky for me cos I've got that ticket price are very cheap, only rm1 (but plus 'tis & tat=rm52) but still cheap to me (Air Asia ma...). Rite now, I only wait for Ina whether she will come join me or else she wouldnt. But from her call this morning, she wanted to join, up to her la...too much excuses already she gave us until we're started getting bored & fed up now. (sory excuse my French ya :p).
Working today started with wholesome busy as our boss suddenly need to handle last minute case. Its a complaint about some local hospital & the death of young girl who involved in car accident last month on the night of Valentine's Day . To make it worst that girl died few days after her 21st birthday. She died due to brain haemorrhage & internal bleeding & her parent wanted to sue the hospital. From the report that her father made, that hosppital will be in big2 trouble cos they will deal with the notorious Kapitan here. hmmm..this will became intersting case la after this
On the other hand, I just received a Marriage dissolution case but not yet read through everything. I managed to look through the report of the case & found out that both parties had agreed to end up their 5 years marriage. Its make me think thrice for awhile that getting married is not like playing yo-yo.Even you loved to death but if there is no TRUST , there is no point to go on & that married will 'die'. The couple already in their separate ways few years ago due to their job location. So maybe they dont want to make things becoming worst, better they go separate ways earlier.
Enough of that, it make my brain cant stop thinking la. hmmm better looks in the bright side quick. Am counting the days now to meet all my gurlies. This is our 2nd reunion since our 1st reunion last year, also in K.K . Unlucky for GG, she cant make it during Niza's reception cos she already at PLKN camp in Sandakan & she did not get a leave. Last year also, she didnt come while I was there.
Ok then..need to wrap up now cos I want to continue reading my book hehehe..till then...

"HaPPy WeeKenD"

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Here come the MARCH

March march marchy comes again. hmmm nothing much for early March to talk about. Streeesseddd out, wore out & tension are in now. hmm how to switch to "RAJIN" mode if started just like muka katak??? One of my work mate quits 2 day ago & he didnt sent any termination notice to our boss. hmm kasian dia slalu kena marah, but I dont blamed him la if he just walked away just like that cos he dont deserve such a treat like that. If I was in his shoe, maybe I do something awful & l;agi teruk dari itu. Me & my other work mates only managed to call him this morning to get a better clarification why he did not come to work since yesterday. Now we know... Better look in the bright side. I got a chance to go SHOPPPPIIINGGGG!!!! At last I managed to squeeeze some times with my sister went out to shop which is my FAV pastime. A hobby that I abandoned quiet a long times since my last trip to KK last year (Best holiday ever had :)
Guess what - I bought a book that adapted into a movie title HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU and the book is fun to read & Im still in process to finish it maybe in 2 more days la can finish read it. It was really 'Life-based' experience penned very well into an interesting story. But I still want to watch the movie la, cos movie n book are totally different & also sometimes you cant expect the endings. hmmmm...cant wait to get the dvd la hehehe...
Trip to KK..I still not yet but the ticket even tho my working place is just infront of MAS office, but the break time is too unflexible la. kena curi2 keluar la ni nanti. I want to try buy the ticket online, but I dont have an idea la... Here we dont have a direct flight from Btu-KK by Air asia. Soooo pissed off dah la Air asia ada promo ticket murah :(
ok time to snooozzzeee la...will be back again later ciaooooo zZZ...